First edition of “Paratrooper!” by Gerard M. Devlin
This fine leather-bound first print presentation copy came out in 1979 in a limited edition of 500 copies. Mine is signed by the author and by Lt. General Yarborough, the founder of the paratroops. It has a dedication by the author for a veteran.
This book is still readily available in reprint and I would very much recommend it. With 717 pages it’s a big book and it’s lavishly illustrated with 20 maps and over 200 photographs, covering the period from the inception , the Test Platoon and training, up to North Africa, Sicily, Salerno etc… all the way to the Rhine Crossing and Japan.
I have #595 of 600 of the book Paratrooper. In July 1990, I had numerous members of the ORIGINAL TEST PLATOON sign it. I also have sever al signatures from WW!! members of the 82nd and 101st ABN it it. Can you give me an estimate of it’s value?
Hi, I paid $40 for mine, but with shipping costs and customs duties it ended up costing me €80! Mine was signed by General Yarborough. I’d say your book should be worth at least $75. Regards, Wouter
I have my fathers copy it’s number 253….signed by author and Lt General Yarborough… was 517 PIR …..
What s wonderful tribute to these men….I now have 3 generations of PIR
82nd son and grandson … dad was called Tex Lowe……
That’s great to hear. The first time I hear of someone else who has a signed copy of this luxury edition.
Hi Betty – My dad, Roy Landreth, served with the 517t as well, in E Co. I know of your dad through his volunteer work with the 517th’s “alumni association”
I have copy #304 signed by both Devlin and Yarborough. Can you estimate the value for me?
Hello John, I sent you an email. Hope this helps. Best regards, Wouter