Early type parachutist first aid kit with zipper
This is a very nice reproduction I bought from the Rigger Depot through eBay. It looks just like the photos on their website, except mine did not have the Conmar brand zipper puller. I was a bit disappointed at that, especially because it was so expensive with shipping and customs duties. I am displaying it with all its original contents, and I have to say it looks really well.
The newest run from The Rigger Depot has Talon zippers. Stuff bought off ebay is usually discounted closeout/old run, and noted as such, which is why your pouch doesn’t have the original zipper pull.
That’s good to know, thanks. Too bad for me the wrong photo was used on eBay
If you want the pictures and description, this worthpoint link below is the exact one you have. No mentioning or pictures of a conmar zipper, instead it notes that it’s an old run closeout. All I’m trying to convey is that we stand behind our products. We won’t tell a customer one thing and then send them a lessor quality item.