Date at inside of Taylor wrist compass
Daniel Woditsch sent me these photos of a Taylor wrist compass he found by metal detecting at Gossersweiler by Dahn, Germany. This would have been on the way to the Rhein river for the Americans, although I don’t know about any particular combat having taken place there.
The point however, is that Daniel opened the compass and found that the compass module inside of the bakelite housing is actually fully self-contained and it even still has all of its liquid. The bottom of the module is still clearly marked MAR 24 1944. I can only assume that other Taylor wrist compasses are dated likewise, but you can’t see it unless you’d pry open the casing.
His compass looks remarkably well preserved for having been under the ground for 75 years! It’s a great opportunity for us to see the inside for once.

How did he open it? I have one with no fluid. I want to refill it. I am not sure how to open it. I don’t want to damage it. I don’t know exactly what to use for fluid. Any help I do appreciate.
Hi Mel, well, his compass was dug up, so I imagine it would have been easier to open after decades under ground. Prying open a good one is more risky. I have never wanted to try it for fear of breaking the plastic.