Airborne summer reading list
And well into the fall too… It’s a big stack of unit history books that landed on my doorstep last week.
It started while looking for a used copy of ‘Put Us Down in Hell’ by Phil Nordyke. I received a tip that it contained new information for me about the 82nd Airborne officer I have been researching: David E. Thomas. He was the 508th PIR regimental surgeon and would later become a general in Vietnam. Sure enough, this book mentions him a number of times and I am thus able to fill some gaps in his WWII period.

The other books are also mostly about the 508th or the 82nd Airborne, but sadly, they don’t all have a decent index, so I may have to actually read these books to find what I’m looking for. Anyway, that’s no punishment.
The books on the Battle of the Bulge and the 17th Airborne Rhine Crossing are a bonus. I already had a quick look in the latter, but I’m afraid there’s nothing in it about ‘our’ Jack Beatty, who was with the 513th.
When I have actually read these books, I will update the Books section, which is very much outdated.
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