Great stencils for making replica bangalore torpedoes
If you ever thought of making your own replica bangalore torpedoes and you want them to be perfect, get the right OD #1 matte paint (I got mine at Gustaaf Desmet in Gent/St Amandsberg) and a set of stencils.
I ordered mine from Noosta Direct. Paul there has been very helpful! So coming soon, I hope, are photos of my restoration project, using original connecting sleeves. If anyone has tips on how to make replica det cord to wrap around them, I’d be much obliged. Some kind of rope or cord of the right diameter and wax coated?
do you have the demonsions of the pipes used. i am interested in making a few pipes of my own
Sure, the pipes you need are 52mm diameter and (about) 1,5 meters long. You need 52mm if you want the original connector sleeves to fit. I will make a how-to article once I’ve finished the job myself. Could be a few more weeks until I get around to it, so don’t hold your breath. But I’ll let you know.
is there any way i can make the connector sleeves by myself?
I don’t know, but I can send you pictures of my originals. I have just gotten my hands on 52mm steel tubes, so I am about ready to finish this project. I will be making pictures of each step of the process, so bear with me. I am still looking for the proper matte or satin yellow spray paint to use for the templates. Any suggestions?
Hey man, yeah that would be great if you could send some pics from different angles and if you could possibly measure how long they are and get a close up of the spring clips on them that hold the pipes tighter. And yeah i have been lookin at paint colors and i may have found the right color for you! You can buy it at the home depot in spray paint form, the can is labeled ” Gloss sun yellow spray paint and primer ” and it costs about $6. Hope this helps and thanks alot man!