New book: Evasion and Escape Devices by Phil Froom
Actually the full title is “Evasion and Escape Devices Produced by MI9, MIS-X, and SOE in World War II“.
I talked with Phil Froom almost three years ago. It was about Clayton Hutton’s book “Official Secret”, and look, he’s written his own book now!
Schiffer books are always very beautifully laid out and printed, and they are priced accordingly. But the ones I have are worth the money. So my expectations of this new book are also high. Apart from articles in militaria magazines and on web sites, there weren’t any books that covered this topic in detail. Usually it’s lumped together with other ‘spy gear’ in such books, but this new book is dedicated to British and US escape and evasion items. Clayton Hutton’s book already read like the autobiography of “Q”, but it had very few images. And black and white at that. This new book will have color photos on top!
A great book after reading this you will have a second look at your ww2 items