Unmarked smooth bodied TL-type flashlight
Photos of this smooth-bodied unmarked TL-122 shaped flashlight were sent to me by Éric Lagache. He bought it at a flee market in the Norh of France. The body is made of brass and the neck of aluminum. He has annotated the parts for us (in French):
Keep sending me photos of other variants if you find one that’s not in the article yet. I’m amazed how new variants keep turning up after all these years.
Hello. I have the same flashlight and I am searching info on it.
Found this: https://www.lehmann-vente-militaria.fr/boutique/Lampe-TL-122-Fran%C3%A7aise-m%C3%A9tal-Indochine-Alg%C3%A9rie-mod%C3%A8le-rare-p443579279
Not much info but, after them, it could be post war.
I will contact you if I find anything else.
Hello Edouard, the flashlights on the link you sent me look just like the one sent to me by Éric Lagache. Look for details on this page with all information I have been able to put together on this over the years: https://www.paratrooper.be/articles/tl-122-flashlights/ Salutations, Wouter
Hello Wouter,
I saw your main article and it is weird to see all the differences between this model and other ones. The fact that it is unmarked made me fear in a first time that it could be some sort of civil flashlight.
Mine is not very different than yours. The molding marks on the aluminium part are the sames. The plastic part holding the bulb is marked “75”. The bulb look like it was replaced and there is a thin white aluminium sheet between the glass and the bulb assembly where thoes two part make contact.
The most problematic part is the switch. It doesn’t work and i think something is missing or more likly broken. It looks like someone already tried to repair it because the screw was inserted on the wrong side.